The cloud hosting plan is a great solution if you wish to control more than one web sites using an individual website hosting account. With more than enough attributes available, it’s possible to host your top–rank online shop or community website.
Corporate Package
Free bonuses
- .NET only $11.99/yr
App Installer Site Builder Site Installer Marketing Tools Daily Backups Advanced Tools
Our Advantages
Shared SSL IPs WHOIS Privacy ModSecurity Domain Backorders Data Compression - ZFS Mails & MySQL
24/7 Support
Corporate hosting at
$7.99/mo.Explore our services with a 30 day completely free trial period. No payment necessary.
Web Accelerators
Make your website faster than the speed of sound
With Resxa Technologies Ltd, you don’t need to erase source code or to cut out your site’s content to make it load faster. By reason of the Site Acceleration Tools (Memcached, Node.js and Varnish) located in the Web Control Panel coming with every single cloud hosting pack, you’ll be able to make your site open faster than ever before – you can make it 10 up to 500 times more quick!
Multiple Data Centers
Web hosting solutions in America, in Europe and in Australia
We now have data center facilities in the United States of America (Colohouse in Chicago), in Europe (UK Servers in close proximity to Coventry, Ficolo in Pori, Finland and S3 in Sofia, Bulgaria) and in Australia (Amaze in Sydney). We have carefully selected every single data center facility to ensure enterprise–grade web hosting solutions for your sites and apps. There are no additional costs – the price will stay the same irrespective of which data center you pick out.
Scripting Support
Full scripting support with all our plans
All our web hosting packages offer scripting support. You can use virtually any PHP or Python–driven web app and also take full advantage of more than three thousand and four hundred Perl modules supported by our Linux–based hosting servers. Moreover, you’ll be able to use MySQL and PgSQL databases and use the InnoDB database engine coming with each web hosting pack. ImageMagick, SSI, GD Library and Zend Optimizer are all supported too.
99.9% Server Uptime Guarantee
A 99.9% uptime for your web sites
We have developed our own custom web hosting platform where the server load is reduced and a 99.9% server uptime is guaranteed. Our server admins keep an eye on the physical machines 24–7–365 and carry out daily server maintenance tasks. All our cloud hosting plans feature a 99.9% uptime warranty no matter whether you’ve chosen to host your web sites in the USA, in Europe or in Australia.
A secure web app firewall program
All our web hosting packs have ModSecurity automatically. ModSecurity is a compact Apache module that does a perfect job – it functions as a web application firewall, successfully defending your sites against hack attacks. And everything happens automatically, without you having to configure or tweak anything. Your websites will become secured the very next moment you choose to host them with us.
Data Backups
Your websites are completely backed–up with us
We make back–ups of your website content on a regular basis, which means that you never ever risk losing your personal website files, applications, databases, e–mails, etc. on account of cyber–thieves attacks or unintended deletions on your part. Additionally, through the File Manager which is conveniently integrated into the Web Control Panel, you’ll be able to make manual back–up copies of all your web site content whenever you want. Just indicate and compress the directory(ies) that you want to back up and our system will save it on your behalf in the location you have chosen.
True Cloud Platform
We have made use of the latest cloud server technologies when constructing our own hosting system, which is insusceptible to occasional performance disturbances and downtimes. All of the services connected with your site like DNSs, email messages, databases, web applications, etc. are dealt with by separate machines so that even if there is an excessive load problem, your web site will still be working hassle–free.
Domain Manager
Multi–domain administration done correctly
With the Resxa Technologies Ltd Web Control Panel, you will no longer be restricted to work with just one domain name. You can control 1 or 100 domains in the exact same easy and simple time and effort saving manner. We have also included a few other useful tools, which will let you park, redirect and Whois Privacy Protect your domain names as well as to set custom DNS entries. Having all these domain name management options in a single location will spare you lots of time and effort.
NVMe Drives
NVMe–drive–based cloud web hosting servers
All our web hosting machines boast NVMe drives rather than traditional HDDs. NVMes offer much faster read/write speeds, which suggests that your web site will load significantly faster. No extra website modifications are required.
With the exceptional Internet connectivity options provided by all our cloud web hosting Data Center Facilities, your website will start working considerably faster once you start using our hosting services.
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Service guarantees
- Sign up today. You won’t see any setup expenses and you can take benefit from our 30 day money–back guarantee if not completely content with our services.
Compare our prices
- Effortlessly review the allocations and benefits supplied by our hosting plans. Find out which package provides you with precisely what you need to launch and deal with your sites without difficulty.
- Compare our hosting plans
Contact Us
- You’ll be able to make contact with us all through business hours on the phone for any general information and facts.