Have a look at this video introduction presenting Resxa Technologies Ltd’s affordable web hosting packs, which allow you to release your own private or enterprise web sites on the web very quickly. All of the offered packs are crammed with many different capabilities, including an absolutely free Free Of Charge Site Building Tool and a cost–free 1 Click Applications Installer, which will help you set up a blog, a forum, a picture gallery, etc. in no time. Furthermore, you’ll be able to register domains for one’s websites and to manage everything from the inside of a user–friendly multiple–language Web Control Panel.

Here, it is possible to benefit from a risk–free web hosting service. We have made our platform making use of high quality hardware and have put effort and time in designing our software, so as to be able to guarantee you a 99.9% uptime.

And with the assistance of skilled team at Resxa Technologies Ltd’s US data center, UK data center, FI data center, Eastern Europe data center and AU data center, we’ve designed an extremely solid interior network, depending on carrier grade routers and switches. This way we can easily ensure a 99.9% network uptime with all Resxa Technologies Ltd’s web hosting deals.