Why is Node.js so powerful? Why is it an excellent option for your next web application?
Node.js is an advanced event-driven platform, which is used to create scalable web applications. It’s built with Google's V8 JavaScript Engine and it processes requests and responses between a server and an enormous number of Internet users more effectively than any traditional platform. What makes Node.js one of a kind is the fact that in contrast to conventional systems which process the information in sizeable chunks, it handles everything in little bits. For instance, if a user needs to fill out a few fields on an Internet site, Node.js handles the info from the first field once it’s typed, utilizing the server’s processing resources more effectively. In contrast, traditional systems wait for all the fields to be filled out and while the info from them is being processed, requests from other users stay in the queue. The difference may be insignificant for a single user, but it undoubtedly does make a difference if a huge number of users are using a website all at once. A few examples of Internet sites where Node.js can be applied are online dinner booking portals, chat rooms or interactive browser video game portals, in other words websites that offer quick live communication.
Node.js in Web Hosting
Since Node.js is available on our leading-edge cloud hosting platform, you will be able to add it to your shared web hosting account and to use it for any web-based app that you’ve got, regardless of which
web hosting package you’ve chosen during the signup process. The Upgrades section in the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which comes bundled with all shared accounts, will permit you to select the number of instances that you want to add – this is the number of the web apps that will use Node.js. A couple of minutes after that, you will be able to define the path to the application, in other words the location of the .js file in your shared website hosting account, as well as to choose the IP to obtain access to the file – a dedicated IP address or the physical server’s shared one. In the new Node.js menu that will show up in the Hepsia Control Panel, you’ll be able to reboot an instance or to discontinue it in case you do not want it any longer. You’ll also be given access to the output code with only a click.
Node.js in Semi-dedicated Servers
With a
semi-dedicated server from our company, you can use all the advantages that the Node.js platform is offering, due to the fact that it’s available with all our semi-dedicated hosting packages and you can add it to your account with a few clicks of the mouse from the Hepsia hosting Control Panel – the semi-dedicated account management tool that comes bundled with every semi-dedicated server. If you’d like to employ Node.js for different web applications, you can select the number of instances that the platform will use when you’re adding this feature to your semi-dedicated plan. After that, you will need to enter the path to the .js file in your account for each instance. This can be done in the new section that will show up in the Hepsia Control Panel after you add the upgrade and during the process, you can also choose if the access path to the given application should go through a dedicated IP address – in case you’ve got one, or through the server’s shared IP. Each instance that you activate can be rebooted or cancelled independently and you can check the output of your apps with only a few mouse clicks.
Node.js in VPS Servers
Node.js is included as standard with each and every
VPS server that is ordered with the Hepsia hosting Control Panel and imposes no restrictions when it comes to the number of sites that can use it at any given time. This makes our Virtual Private Server plans an optimal choice for administering numerous real-time web apps and for making the most of each of them. The Hepsia Control Panel is intuitive enough even for people without any prior experience, so if you wish to activate Node.js for any application, it won’t take more than a few clicks of the mouse to make this. You will just have to include the path to the specific .js file and to choose whether Node.js will use the physical server’s shared IP address or a dedicated IP. Our system will also assign a particular port that will be used to access the .js file. Right after that, you will be all set and will be able to make use of the full potential of your real-time applications. Hepsia will permit you to view the output of the apps and to reboot or to stop any of your instances using quick-access buttons.
Node.js in Dedicated Servers
Node.js is offered with all
dedicated servers on which our in-house built Hepsia Control Panel is installed. The latter offers a very simple and easy-to-navigate graphical interface, so even if you have never worked with the Node.js platform before, you’ll be able to unveil its full potential in just a couple of easy steps. Once you have uploaded the application’s content, you will have to enter the folder path to the specific .js files that will use Node.js and to select the IP address which they will use (dedicated or shared), whereas our system will designate a randomly generated port that will be used to access the files in question. There’s no limit as to the total amount of instances that you can enable and use at the same time and you will exert full control over them through the Hepsia Control Panel – you will be able to set up new ones or to stop/restart existing ones, to revise the output log for each application, etc.